This is my first stab at a basic Lost theory. I’ve had some other ideas before (such as the Jughead bomb being buried beneath the Swan, the code is there to exhaust the radiation, the concrete it insolation), but I think this one, though far-fetched today, has some basic ideas that could explain a lot.
I think Locke is dead. He died back in LA, and his body was transported back to the island. Due to the “unique electromagnetic properties” of the island, his consciousness is able to manifest as “real” on the island, but make no mistake: he’s dead, and can never leave.
So is Christian. It was fortunate that his body was taken to the island, because there, he has re-manifested.
So is Juliet. She can’t leave. Ben wouldn’t let her leave for years. She naively believes she’s being held prisoner, but ultimately, she cannot leave the island, because outside of the island, she is dead. How did she die? I’m not sure, but one possibility is that she was poisoned. She did drink something before the Mittlos Bioscience team – the ‘Others’ – took her to the island. They explained it made the journey easier, but it certainly didn’t look like they needed it. Perhaps they killed her and then she ‘woke up’ when she was within reach of the island.
So is Rose. She had terminal cancer. But here on the island, she’s just fine. Leads me to believe that her body has been reanimated.
So is Jin. He was killed in the freighter explosion. But when his body washed ashore, he was brought back to life by the island.
…And so is Penny. Ben killed her before he took the O6 back, as he promised Widmore he would. How else will Desmond ever be coaxed to return to the island? Why, the promise of resurrecting Penny, of course! Mrs. Hawking told him the island wasn’t done with him, he was just too short-sighted to see why.
The above does pose a few questions:
Firstly, who else is dead? Surely, if we can spot some of the dead, other people are also dead.
How is Jacob connected to this? Is Jacob dead? Is Jacob the spirit inhabiting those bodies? Is Jacob merely the first one to die and “come back to life?”
How come only some people “come back to life?” My first though was that one can only come back if he dies OFF of the island. But then I considered that Mikhail might also be one of the dead ones, and he died in the sonic fence. But then he appeared again later, very much alive. He died on the island.
Why would the Others have to poison Juliet at all? Perhaps there’s some benefit to being dead and reanimated on the island?
A few other dead people have appeared on or around the island: Hurley’s friend Dave, Yemi, Ana Lucia, Libby, Horace, etc – all appeared after their “death.” Were they actually there in consciousness? Or was that just the the smoke monster playing tricks, as many have theorized?
Christian appeared to Jack off island though, in LA. Also, I don’t believe that Juliet is dead, she decided to stay in the island because of Sawyer. The sonic fence doesn’t kill either, which is why Mikhail was alive the second time around. Your theory basically makes the Lost island a purgatory, which is a theory that the writers have consistently beaten down, because especially in the first season, that was the main theory out there.
Penny is probably dead, but I don’t think that Desmond will try to get her in the island to re-animate her, because if he does that, then Penny would have a full role next year. And the actress already has a leading role in ABC’s new Lost-like show “Flashforward”…
The statue seems to be either Anubis, or Horus btw. Both these Gods are seen carrying that Egyptian cross-like thing (like the necklace we saw last night). It’s probably Anubis though, god of the dead…
Here’s some info about Flashforward btw, a very interesting Lost-like new show.
Not sure I agree about your theory but Claire is also dead. Died when the mercenaries blew up the cabin she was in. That’s why that same night she left Aaron and joined Christian.
I don’t think Claire is dead. I have heard that theory a lot around. But I don’t really agree. Others have died in the island too, but they stayed dead. And if they resurrected, it wasn’t done in an instant like in Claire’s case.
Well, if everyone is dead, and in some imaginary or real afterlife everything is possible, then there’s really no further need for looking for any rational explanation behind the whole story, or is it.
@L3v1 – Locke DIED. He is now alive after that in the storyline.
I think it’s safe to say whatever the explanation is, it will be made up from science fiction, not science fact.
They are all dead. It explains everything including all the weird events on and off the island. The sideways time line in Season 6 and the Oceanic 6 leaving the island are merely. “what ifs.” Any other inconsistency to this theory has an explanation and is used by the writers to keep the story interesting and keep people watching.
True. And, the writers do not want people to figure this out because we may stop watching.
In “Across The Sea”, the light at the end of the tunnel is revealed. Losties that have died must go it to free themselves from the island. The nuclear bomb split the souls of those in Oceanic 815. When those who have died become aware their condition, they will go to the light and end up in the “Sideways World”. The Man In Black, not Jacob is the guardian of this knowledge.