I needed to have an image blink in one of our intranet applications today, so I wrote this quick javascript to accomodate. There aren’t many good image blinker scripts online, so I’m adding mine to the mix:
Start by adding this to your javascript file:
function blinkId(id) { var i = document.getElementById(id); if(i.style.visibility=='hidden') { i.style.visibility='visible'; } else { i.style.visibility='hidden'; } setTimeout("blinkId('"+id+"')",1000); return true; } |
And this right before you end your <html> tag:
<script type="text/javascript">blinkId('YOUR_ELEMENT_ID');</script> |
This will work for images, divs, spans, pretty much any block level element with an id.
Updated 8/19/2008: Fixed a copy/paste bug in this post.
The correct is:
return true;
Huh.. I typed it backwards. Obviously, I’m using the solution for real – the real code has it right. Not sure how I transposed it wrong.
I just pinched this code (knowing very little JS) and swore for a while because it wouldn’t work.
Copy and paste into TextMate resulting in some weird versions of apostrophes and quote marks, as if it was using smart quotes. I had to delete them all and retype them manually to get it to work.
It was exactly what I wanted. The script helped. Thanks a ton
is there a working example of this somewhere? i can’t get it to work
Blinking Images With Javascript
Thanks lot its working….
Thanks, it worked.
Thanks it works good….
can you please send me code of how to make a picture blinking .tnx
Can i know where the image id and the source of the image where it is would be given. how will it get the image
I tried the above example with Ivan update as well, no luck. Can someone let me know how to make the text blink?
This works great, but is there a way to make it blink just once? Thanks for posting!