I Love You, Britney Spears

You can say whatever you like about how incredibly lame pop culture is, but I’m starting to fall victim to it. I have a “Pop” mix that I made not too long ago, and it features Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, the Backstreet Boys, even *NSync, for crying out loud. That alone shows you how much it gets beat into your head. Either way, though, Britney is money.

But the cherry on top is that, last night, as I was watching the finale of “American Idol,” I found myself liking that ridiculous Mariah Carey-sounding song the finalists sang. Something must be done about this, and quickly.

Music today is just starting to suck. The RIAA wonders why CD sales are down, and they blame KaZaa and Napster, when in reality, there’s just lots of shitty music bombarding us. And in the space, when we lack good music, we start listening to crap — and liking it!

Something big needs to come. The world is ready for another “Nevermind.”

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