Gmail Video and Thoughts on Gmail

Google just released their Gmail compilation video to YouTube, and… well… it’s cool! It really is. Not only because the video is fun, not only because it’s refreshing to see a company that looks like it might be fun and not just a bunch of hair old white men who are only concerned with the bottom line, but also because it fascinates me. It fascinates me that a product can inspire such loyalty that makes its users so fiercely dedicated to it.

I am blindly loyal to Mac OS X and Gmail. The both of them are huge inspirations to me; they make me productive, I enjoy using them, they work with me and for me rather than as an abrasive but necessary intermediary (like Citrix) or flat out against me (Microsoft Word!) Gmail is so great and so empowering that random people are willing to take time to make ads for it.

I wish I could be that happy with, partnered with, and loyal to all vendors I patronize. Now, that’s delivering a product.

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