Freaking Insane

This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen on YouTube. Seriously, this guy deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. I’m…

Links 10-01-2006

Squares 2 This is an awesome game. I really am enjoying this game. And since it’s random, it’s even better than Escapa!, which is also…


Is this cool or what? It’s a video for a band called “OK Go,” and the entire thing appears to be done in a single…

Two Quickies

1. CRACKED magazine online reports about 5 Movies Hollywood Needs to Stop Making Now. It’s hilarious. 2. Youtube is simply amazing. So, without further adue,…

Links 09/21/2006

The Maragret Thatcher Illusion Oooooh! Scary face! But actually, really kinda cool. Interesting how the mind works…. which leads me to… Mind Performance Hacks I…

Last post

This is my last post before the wedding. I’m officially off the osnews-crew list until I get back, I’m done with everything online, I’m setting…