Last night, I watched as America overwhelmingly put their confidence in Barack Obama, electing him the 44th president of the United States of America. Now, I could carry on for some time about what that means to me, as I’ve done before, I could celebrate the victory, as I’m tempted to do, I could make Sarah Palin jokes, at which I’ve been all too eager to laugh. But I won’t. Because, as I listened to Obama’s victory speech last night, I was called to duty as an American to be above that. I was called to duty to put that aside and focus on uniting. I was reminded of how I was moved in Feburary of this year. And then I had a very literal moment of pause as I was suddenly overcome by what we witnessed yesterday.

America chose HOPE over HATE. As rabid Sarah Palin supporters chanted “Terrorist!” and “Kill him!”, Obama calming chided us to be above the name calling. As Obama painted a picture of peace, neighborly goodwill, and hope, the opposing candidates painted a picture of war, terror, hate, and fear. They spoke about Obama instead of what their actual plan was. They spoke about Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright instead of about the issues. They tried to convice us that Obama is anti-American and that he “pals around with terrorists.” But it failed. And their lies and hate became their downfall, as America promptly told them “Yes we can!”
America chose PEACE over WAR. Both literally, as we gaze towards Iraq and Afghanistan, but also as we realize that Obama’s television ads – at least here in Florida – were all about repairing the US and what Obama would do about it, while the McCain/Palin ads were almost exclusively negative ads about Obama. I still know nothing about Sarah Palin other than the pre-packaged crap they wove together for the convention and what we pieced together from her string of embrassing interviews.
America chose COURAGE over FEAR. Because, although right-wing brainwashers will try to convince you that wanting peace is weak, it takes a much bigger man to say it’s time to end the war in the name of security and bounty for our nation. Because the enemy you know is always safer than the enemy you don’t. Because while the Bush administration tried to scare you in conformity and constantly glancing over your shoulder, we know better. We know that fear will destory us.
And best of all, America chose HONOR over all else. It’s no secret that the USA is now hated in many areas across the world. And frankly, I began to believe that our best days were indeed behind us as we embarked on an impossible mission to “spread democracy,” themed by pre-emptive strike and racial profiling. But the US is a powerful entity, and we’re not only aiming to reclaim our spot of the #1 place in the world, but also to inspire. To give people faith.
We’ve elected a leader who has, I think most will agree, has led one of the most faith-inspiring campaigns in history. Whether you like his policies or not, he spoke to all Americans and asked them to have a little faith as we seek to rebuild over divided union. There’s little doubt that his campaign of hope has been incredibly effective and resonated with people who have never voted in their lives.
I believe Obama will change the world in unbelievable ways. I believe that we have a charismatic leader the likes of which we haven’t seen since JFK. I believe the US is ready to put aside the hatred and work together to restore our dignity in world view. And I hope.
I hope.
Maybe you should give this a read before you praise Obama to the skies:
As a fellow Florida resident I agree with your views on the campaign and what this election means. I am proud that Florida went for Obama, especially the Tampa-Orlando area. I am a resident of Tampa and was one of many volunteers to help get the word out on the issues.
You are correct in now we are called to duty to help make the US more united. I look forward to what the possibilities might be
Oh, we should all unite because YOUR candidate won? We both know that you would be singing a different tune if McCain won. And you are STILL name-calling, referring to the other side as “brain-washers”. This makes you nothing but a hypocrite. At what point did you think that we should have all united under BUSH? Oh, never? Of course, political struggles should STOP when YOUR candidate is elected, but should be INTENSIFIED when the OTHER guy wins. When you write “I believe the US is ready to put aside the hatred and work together” what you REALLY mean, is that because the President is now going to be someone you like instead of someone you hate, YOU are ready to put aside YOUR hate and, since YOU are going to do it, everyone else should do that too. Factionalism and hate are now harmful – although, if McCain won, they would be beneficial. You can admit that, right? Well, maybe not.
You are a hypocrite, and dishonest to the depths of your soul… not that it’s very deep, of course. You are as shallow as your rhetoric.
And as for “together to restore our dignity in world view” well if you think that the dignity of the United States is dependent in any way on what the rest of the world thinks of us, you are wrong. Dignity comes from within, not without. But then again, the half-educated always need validation from the outside, don’t you?
Remarks like this: “… the enemy you know is always safer than the enemy you don’t” are STUPID, even though comforting to stupid people. But then again, it is easier to babble platitudinous trash then to actually have to think about the world.
And as for this, “it takes a much bigger man to say it’s time to end the war in the name of security and bounty for our nation,” it is nothing but typical half-educated self-complacency, and it is based on the pathetic idea that it is possible for the rest of the world to love you as much as you love yourself. But isolationism is NOT a wonderful new policy idea: it is a tired and harmful nostrum based on the mistaken idea that we can insulate ourselves from the rest of world, and that the rest of the world will love us.
And while it may sometimes be true that fear can destroy you, it is also true that LACK of fear can also prove fatal, and more often too.
Anyway, that’s plenty for now. There is nothing much to be served by writing a reply in the blog of someone as self-complacent and intellectually and morally dishonest as you are. But I just had write few words to let you know that not everyone buys your garbage, because I bet you think that everyone does.
Wow De Flores, that’s a lot of writing for someone who thinks there isn’t much to be served by replying! You’re so full of anger that it’s no doubt you’re incapable of seeing any good. You’re blinded by the machine, and your incredible arrogance is really off-putting and makes the rest of your argument look like a joke. I’m sure there’s a sprinkle of truth in it, but it’s lost in the sea of hate.
We should unite because we’re all Americans! Not because ‘my guy’ won. Put simply: you are exactly what is wrong with this country. Before President Obama even is President Obama, you’ve already decided there’s no way he can do any right. You’re a traitor. There is no patriotism in what you do, don’t confuse it for anything but pathetic old-fashioned partisan division.
EVERYONE united under President Bush post-9/11. We gave him his shot, Democrats too. His approval rating once stood at a staggering 88%. But Bush betrayed the American people by lying about Iraq, spying on his citizens, removing freedoms, spitting in the face of science, torturing detainees, and generally making the US one of the most hated nations of the world. He deserved no allegiance. He deserves impeachment and removal from office, and frankly, prison time.
Similarly, Sen McCain, an honored servant of this great country, betrayed his own supporters by picking a completely unqualified, unpolished joke of a running mate, proven not only by his loss and her continued lack of direct media exposure, but also by the slew of recent articles about how her people were unmanageable – how they “went rogue” and had unreasonable demands of the McCain campaign. Their decision to further divide our country by classifying Obama as a terrorist is dishonor as the greatest level, it is downright Anti-American, and accordingly, it led to their crushing downfall. As a result of all of this, McCain led what can only be called a negative campaign, one that deserves no respect. It was a negative one from the get-go, never selling us on what he could do, only what the other guy would supposedly do.
Obama remained the only one focused mostly on hope and peace and good. Your sour grapes can’t change that. So don’t be such a sore loser.
If you’re that unhappy, how about I offer you the same thing right-wing nuts have been offering democrats for the last 8 years? If you don’t like it, please feel free to get out.
>well if you think that the dignity of the United States is dependent in any way on what the rest of the world thinks of us, you are wrong.
DeFlores, if you think that USA has any respect outside of its borders, you are grossly mistaken. USA is *hated* by everyone right now. Bush has done such a terrible imperialistic moves, that even your western European allies of many years, can’t take it anymore. Either US changes its imperialism and works with UN for a peaceful, and equal future, or it will be even more isolated and hated, and that can never be good for *anyone* in the long run. This is the part I can’t stand about Republicans the most. That they have no grand vision of the universal future whatsoever when it comes to foreign policy. Instead of using this power that USA enjoys and make good for everyone worldwide, they do shit instead, like Bush’s pet peeve against Saddam (the war had nothing to do with terrorism, weapons or even oil — it was just a personal pet peeve of the Bush family). How do you expect Americans get respected then abroad when the international citizens see such an abuse of power?
I’d have to agree with Eugenia and Adam here. I’d be hard-pressed to find ANYONE (not a single person) who shares your (De Flores) views, at least where I live (Canada). You said
“Remarks like this: “… the enemy you know is always safer than the enemy you don’t” are STUPID, even though comforting to stupid people. But then again, it is easier to babble platitudinous trash then to actually have to think about the world.
And as for this, “it takes a much bigger man to say it’s time to end the war in the name of security and bounty for our nation,” it is nothing but typical half-educated self-complacency, and it is based on the pathetic idea that it is possible for the rest of the world to love you as much as you love yourself. But isolationism is NOT a wonderful new policy idea: it is a tired and harmful nostrum based on the mistaken idea that we can insulate ourselves from the rest of world, and that the rest of the world will love us.”
Lets break things down. Why does the world hate the US – It’s the big bully of the world. Look at what it did to Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Iran, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. It’s just been terrorizing the world in the name of freedom and democracy. It’s just wrong. The world doesn’t hate the US for no reason. In the rest of the world, Barack Obama symbolizes the beginning of the end to the bigotry in Washington and the start of an era where the United States respects the rights of others and becomes part of humanity.
Now Obama is not perfect but he is a breath of fresh air from the Bush Administration, just think – if Bush’s approval ratings are so low in America, imagine what the rest of the world thinks about him. Where I live (note that it is more left wing than the rural areas), Bush’s approval rating is probably below 1% and Obama’s is an overwhelming majority. All of my friends (hundreds) unanimously support Obama but it’s impossible for it too be 100% so I guess it’s fairly close.
Obama isn’t the hope of the world. He’s just another politician who, like Bush, believes in unlimited government, just in different ways.
Get over it. The only reason why he’s against the Iraq war is because he wants to have HIS wars, just like Clinton, LBJ, JFK, Truman, FDR and Wilson.
As Biden said: “Gird your loins…”