Some of you probably know that I’ve lost a little over 30 pounds since May. I did it with the help of a nutritionist, and I’m really happy with the diet, so much so that I actually stick with it now, three months later, with very little effort. I have since integrated some serious substance back into my diet (ice cream once a week, croutons on salad, occasional “cheat meals”, etc), and so far, I’m still losing weight. My theory is that diet is 100% about insulin, and that’s controlled by carb intake. Startchy or processed, non-fiberous carbs prompt the production of insulin, which, as it overflows, pushes conversion to fat and triglycerides. More on that later.
I use a few tools to aid in recording my progress:
Weightbot for iPhone is one of those tools. It’s hard to go through this process without tracking your weight. I do so aggressively. I weigh myself 3-8 times a day, which is generally advised against. I do this to understand how weight fluctuates. Even eating a crappy meal won’t affect my weight, but a bad weekend, for example will. I bought an accurate scale and I track the weight daily with a single weight-in, taking immediately after I pee first thing in the morning.

Weightbot tracks my weight in graph form, and it gives me detailed statistics.

iMapMyFitness is an incredible application. I start it and then launch my iPod before going on walks. Then, when I get home, it plots my walk and gives me stats on the walk. I can measure the quality of any workout very quickly and fairly accurately, but at least consistently.

Lastly, I recently invested in a Withings scale. It’s a super accurate scale that is wifi-enabled, which means it stores my weight online. Weightbot is fully integrated, so I will be able to even more accurately measure and graph my progress.
Good luck.
I’m trying to lose weight the cheap way. So far it’s been working, but I need to exercise more. I’ve been maintaining, which is what I really care about right now. I need to get moving again to start dropping the pounds.
I could never pay that much for a scale and I don’t like paying for iPhone apps. That fitness mapping app looks awesome though. I plan on starting running again after a long hiatus. Even if I can do a mile a day, I’d be happy.
To lose weight is one thing, there are thousands of diet, the problem is to maintain weight
nice diet map:)
There is a lot of problems with weight and diet. It’s really hard to loose some weight, when u r siting home in front of computer… ANyway we need to try solve our problem with it (i havent seen programs on Iphone š® very interesting !! )
Very helpful, I like this post!
The best way to keep cool figure to have too many problems that one could be deal …