Things in General

Lots of really interesting stuff is going on right now, most of which I can’t talk about just yet.  It has kept me, in large part, from focusing on, which I regret.  I don’t want this site to devolve into reposting of political crap.  But many things are keeping my occupied.  I promise I will chronicle “things” soon enough, as soon as I know how everything shakes out.  

In the meantime, today is my baby girl’s first birthday.  It’s odd thinking she’s been around for a full year now.  It really seems like just recently she was born, and yet, at the same time, I can’t really remember life without her, so it feels like she’s been around for much longer than just the last year.   

It is truly amazing, the experience of parenthood.  You never think it will be, but it constantly is.