
Well, it should be clear by now that this weblog is dead and gone. However, I’ve decided to resurrect it as a sarcastic diary. Because I spent so much time building “Flip,” I didn’t spend much time on my actual use of it. This site is now using “Flip 2,” and it’s the first time I’ve actually used it. It works, too, except the edit function on the admin page, but I’ll get to that.

I left a few people who actually posted on this thing with rights. Feel free to post. If you don’t have an ID, go ahead and use the “Submit an Item” link on the left and if I like what you write, I’ll post it. There are some cool new features. For one, lots of new categories, which you can see by clicking “Topics” on the navigation menu. Also, as you may have noticed, the front page will only display part of you post if you ramble on for too long, as I have. Kinda neat, huh?

Anyway, I’m not going to pontificate about this on here, if you’re interested, you can monitor all this crap at If not, happy reading.