Jillian: Daddy?
Me: Yes?
Jillian: Dora sings Camel Walk.
Me: She does?
Jillian: Mmm-hmm. And Benny sings Icculus. And Tico sings Timber Ho. And Isa sings Mockingbird.
Me: Really? What about Boots?
Jillian: Boots sings…. Timber Ho.
Me: Who sings Harpua?
Jillian: Uh… Cinderella.
Me: Cinderella sings Harpua? What does Sleeping Beauty sing?
Jillian: Icculus.

I got tears when my (then)3-year-old started doing the “Woo!”s in “Twist” and the “Hey!”‘s in “Punch …” TEARS.