Bye-Bye Slashdot, Hello IG

Today is a fairly big day, well, at least for my internet habits. When I launch a browser and open up my tabs, they look like this:

Gmail|Slashdot|OSNews|My Yahoo!|Work|Bloglines|Digg

I’ve added to the tabs in the last year or two: I added the work tab (email when at home, our helpdesk at work), then added Bloglines when I got into RSS aggreggation. Then Digg is new as of the middle of last year or so.

But I realized recently that I don’t really read Slashdot much anymore. For one, their news is way too slow, especially compared to Digg. The same COULD be said for OSNews, although we’re typically MUCH faster (faster even than Digg can promote to the front page for huge news), we feature many more originals, and the comments are readable, whereas the Slashdot arrogance and the volume of comments has gotten to be too much for me. What has been my #2 tab since about 2002 (I started reading Slashdot sometime in 2000) is now used the least of all. So, with the introduction of tab’s on Google’s customizable homepage, I pimped out my Google and made it tab #2. I’ve got my main tab, my Tech tab, my Sports tab, and my Entertainment tab rockin’. It’s pretty cool. So, from now on, I’ll get my Slashdot fill from

I wonder if Slashdot is losing people, or if I’m just a single person moving on.